I have a quiet 4 br house on acre with 2 upstairs furnished rooms I used to rent for $700 ea.
Map location is approximat for security reasons.
I was in the middle of renovations that I was planning to do myself when I became ill.
I still need some floors laid, a bit of painting, small amount of carpentry (trim here and there, shelves re-installed in closet), a LOT of deep cleaning, yard work.
Some of the work (floors, closet, some cleaning ) would have to be done prior to moving in.
I could pay someone to do it, but then I would have to charge the $700 to pay for that.
So thinking of a barter that would help someone ith relevant skills trying to save some money.
We'd have a lease that indicates that you would do certain amount of work with payment held for first month's rent (credit receipts given each say for done) and each subsequent rent the same--work in advance.
It's just like a job--you don't get paid until the work is done.
But this way, you wouldn't have to fork out money for rent, I wouldn't have to fork out for labor.
There's enough work in/out to keep someone busy for several months.
This offer is for one person at this time.
No smokers/drugs, or pets (I have very old dog who may not last the winter, 2 cats).
If interested, please respond with full name, age, and indicating relevant work experience, and if have job now.